Rajini Rao, Ph.D.

Headshot of Rajini Rao
  • Director, Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine
  • Professor of Physiology

Research Interests

Ion transporters


Dr. 拉吉尼·拉奥(Rajini Rao)是约翰霍普金斯医学院的生理学教授. 她的研究专长是研究细胞内离子转运在健康和疾病中的作用. 她是细胞和分子医学研究生课程的主任,也是约翰霍普金斯医学院膜运输中心的主任.

Dr. Rao在班加罗尔的卡梅尔山学院获得化学和生物学学士学位, India. After receiving her Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Rochester in 1988, 她在耶鲁大学卡罗琳·斯雷曼的实验室做了五年的博士后. She arrived at Johns Hopkins in 1993.

她的实验室的众多成就之一是发现了SPCA2在乳腺癌中的致癌作用, opening a new chapter in the study of this isoform. Currently, Dr. Rao的实验室以酵母为模式生物,研究细胞内阳离子转运在人类健康和疾病中的作用.

她的学术活动平均分为教育、指导和研究. 作为细胞和分子医学研究生项目的主任, 她负责监督一个多部门培训项目,其中包括大约130名教师导师和150名研究生. 她是医学院(生物化学)其他研究生项目的教师导师, cellular and molecular biology; cellular and molecular physiology) where she teaches, direct courses and holds small group discussions. 她在实验室指导了20多名研究生和博士后, 他们中的许多人获得了国家奖项和独立奖学金.

这是她长期以来为提高少数群体在各级学术界的代表性所做努力的一部分, Dr. Rao参加了许多多元化委员会和小组. 她曾在约翰霍普金斯医学院暑期实习项目的招生委员会任职, 哪所大学为不同背景的学生提供研究经验. 她的实验室每年也至少接待一位未被充分代表的少数族裔学生.

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  • Director, Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine
  • Director, Center for Membrane Transport
  • Professor of Physiology

Departments / Divisions

Centers & Institutes



  • Ph.D.; University of Rochester (New York) (1988)

Additional Training

  • Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1992, Genetics

Research & Publications

Research Summary

The Rao laboratory at Johns Hopkins studies ion transporters, including H+-ATPases, Ca2+-ATPases and Na+/H+ exchangers. 我们的研究重点是发现新的离子转运体及其在人类健康和疾病中的生理作用.We initially defined the Golgi/Secretory Pathway Ca2+, Mn2+- atp酶(SPCA),并根据其独特的生化和系统发育特性,将其划分为一个新的家族. Our discovery of an oncogenic role for SPCA2 in breast cancer, mediated by an unconventional mechanism of signaling to Ca2+ channels, opens a new chapter in the study of this isoform. We were the first to clone and recognize the endosomal Na+(K+)/H+ 交换剂(eNHE)作为一种独立于众所周知的质膜NHE的基团. Currently, 我们结合使用酵母和神经生物学模型来了解eNHE在神经系统疾病中的作用, including autism, Alzheimer disease and glioblastoma. 最近,我们发现了一个新的后生动物家族+ antiporters that are distantly related to bacterial NhaA; our findings implicate a role for human NHA2 in sodium lithium countertransport activity linked to essential hypertension. 我们还研究了离子介导的真菌(C. albicans) cell death and target this pathway, including the V-type H+-ATPase, for the development of antimycotic drugs. 我们正在探索抗心律失常药物胺碘酮在抗真菌治疗中的应用, particularly of azole-resistant fungi.


Lab Website: Rao Laboratory

Selected Publications

Kondapalli, KC, Llongueras, JP, Capilla-Gonzalez, V, Hack, A, Smith, C, Guerrero-Cazares, H, Quinones-Hinojosa, A, and Rao, R. (2015)内体内腔质子泄漏通路驱动胶质母细胞瘤的致癌信号传导. Nature Communications 6 Article number: 6289 doi:10.1038/ncomms7289


Hack A, Schushan M, Landau M, Ben-Tal N, Rao R. "Functional evaluation of autism-associated mutations in NHE9." Nat Commun. 2013;4:2510. doi: 10.1038/ncomms3510.

Patenaude C, Zhang Y, Cormack B, Köhler J, Rao R. 白色念珠菌毒力中空泡酸化的重要作用." J Biol Chem. 2013 Sep 6;288(36):26256-64. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.494815. Epub 2013 Jul 24.

Cross BM, Hack A, Reinhardt TA, Rao R. “SPCA2调节Orai1的运输,并在哺乳模型中存储独立的Ca2+进入." PLoS One. 2013 Jun 28;8(6):e67348. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067348. Print 2013.

Shim JS, Rao R, Beebe K, Neckers L, Han I, Nahta R, Liu JO. HIV蛋白酶抑制剂奈非那韦选择性抑制her2阳性乳腺癌细胞." J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012 Oct 17;104(20):1576-90. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djs396. Epub 2012 Oct 5.

Kondapalli KC, Kallay LM, Muszelik M, Rao R. "Unconventional chemiosmotic coupling of NHA2, a mammalian Na+/H+ antiporter, to a plasma membrane H+ gradient." J Biol Chem. 2012 Oct 19;287(43):36239-50. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.403550. Epub 2012 Sep 4.

Feng, M., Grice, D., Faddy, H.M., Ngyuen, N., Leitch, S., Wang, Y., Muend, S., Kenny, P.A., Sukumar, S., Roberts-Thomson, S., Monteith, G., and Rao, R. (2010)乳腺肿瘤中SPCA2对Orai1的储存无关激活. Cell 143, 84-98.

Academic Affiliations & Courses

Graduate Program Affiliation

Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

Courses and Syllabi

  • Pathways and Regulation
  • The Human Body
  • Molecules and Cells

Activities & Honors


  • 美国心脏协会博士后奖学金,康涅狄格州附属机构,1990 - 1991年
  • 汉斯·普罗查斯卡纪念讲师,约翰霍普金斯大学MSTP-MD/博士项目,2009年
  • 2006年泛美植物膜生物学研讨会主讲人
  • 美国癌症协会青年教师奖,约翰霍普金斯大学,1994 - 1997
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院年度教师奖,2009年
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学教授临床前科学卓越教学奖, Johns Hopkins, 2009
  • Nico Van Uden在克里特岛和波恩举行的第19届和第21届SMYTE会议上发表演讲, 2001 - 2003


  • American Association of Science (AAS)
  • 美国生物化学与分子生物学学会(ASBMB)
  • American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)
  • Biophysical Society (BP)
  • Federation of American Society of Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Professional Activities

  • Editorial Advisory Board, ASBMB Today, 2013
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011 - 2016
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2003 - 2008
  • 美国国立卫生研究院审查小组,少数民族生物医学研究支持(MBRS)计划,2010年
  • 美国国立卫生研究院博士前奖学金审查小组(少数民族和残疾),2006 - 2007年
  • 少数民族学生年度生物医学研究会议(ABRCMS), 2008
  • , Women’s Leadership Council (WLC), 2002

Videos & Media

  • Play Video:

    Rajini Rao - The Cause of Some Breast Calcifications

  • Play Video:

    Rajini Rao - The Role of the Calcium Pump

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